Friday, March 28, 2008

Gender neutral God?

I don’t understand why some people wants God to be gender neutral. :? What’s the problem with God being talked to and about as “him” or “father”? Is it because some have problems with the “father” term, based upon negative experiences with father figures? Or it is because God being regarded as a “he” puts women in a less important position? :?

I have bad experiences with my father, but I always thought it was nice to have God as my father, because of the poor job my biological father did. I had a very good grandfather, and when thinking of God as my father, I think of Him being more like my grandfather was than my father. And, I’m a woman, but I think feminism has gone too far when talking about God as a woman needs to be done in order to get women a higher status in the society. I see this as a waste of time, really. The christians should care more about how to get people living by christian standards!

The society’s standards are individual fortune and happiness, resulting in cold societies not really caring for those who “fail” to succeed in their lives. And also for the environment.

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