Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh, no, not again! :(

frustration.jpgWill I ever learn? Why must I always wait to the last possible chance to do important stuff? I have this task at work that I shuld have done in January. But, did I? No, of course not, I’ve postponed it to the last possible day - today! Three months I’ve had to do this important task. Knowing all along that one day our auditor would come and go through last year’s financial statements. Tomorrow is the day, and today I have to do all the things that needs to be done before the auditor can check our financial statements.

Why don’t I ever learn? Why do I have to postpone to the last minute things I could have done in the previous months, giving me time to discover any errors and correct them, without the stress!! :( This repeats itself everytime something big is due! I did this with my reading to exams when studying, and I’ve continued doing it with work tasks. I even do it at home, when cleaning or baking before visitors are due…

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