Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A mother's love

motherslove.jpgI realize that being a mother sometimes is more demanding than satisifying… Putting the baby/child first. Compromising on my own needs and wants in order to satisfy his. I admit that it is sometimes difficult.

But, it is also the most wonderful thing to experience! I’ve been chosen by God to deliver to the world a new human being. Caring for it while it was in my body, lending it my “baby-facilities” and giving it food and drink so that it could grow and be a healthy little person. Then, after birth, I fed it, made it feel safe and loved, and my task is never ending. I’ll be a mother for my son as long as I live. I’ll always care for him, worry about him, love him… it has truly widened my register of feelings! I could never love anyone as much as my son. I see him as a perfect little person. :D

The picture is of Mary and baby Jesus.

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